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wyobrażacie sobie coś takiego pod koniec okienka Real kupuje Hazarda wzamian daje Balea plus hajs.
i atak Realu:
to byłby wiekszy tercet niz MSN kiedys LOL
After a great deal of analysis on their current situation, Real Madrid's coaching staff are set to play Cristiano Ronaldo in a more central role throughout the course of the season.
Given that Los Blancos failed to bring in a new striker, it has left them with just Karim Benzema, Borja Mayoral and Ronaldo as candidates for their No.9.
A switch to 4-4-2 also looks likely for Zinedine Zidane's side as they aim to consolidate their position as the best team in the world and face up to the massive challenge of winning six titles.
As demonstrated last season and during the summer given their movements in the transfer market, Zidane knows that his current side are more comfortable playing with four midfielders and two forwards as it affords them greater freedom.
It is more suited to Ronaldo's talents than the current 4-3-3 system, despite the fact that he is still a standout performer and prolific scorer.
Ronaldo feels comfortable in that more central role as it allows him to drift out to the left or right and cause problems, as he did against Barcelona at the Camp Nou.
Both Zidane and the former Manchester United star have already spoken about this and their understanding is clear and absolute.
His ideal partner is Karim Benzema, although Ronaldo is aware that he will often be sharing space with Gareth Bale or Marco Asensio and he believes that he has a lot to offer the team in that position.
In the first five games of the season, Los Blancos have taken their successive scoring streak to 70 games, with 12 goals being scored against talented opposition such as Manchester United, Barcelona, Deportivo and Valencia.
However, Ronaldo didn't start in any of those games and has clocked up just 30 minutes of competitive playing time so far this season.
Although Zidane had considered Kylian Mbappe as a big alternative for the future, he was more than happy to put faith in the men who he already has at his disposal.
He viewed that as the better move than adding a potentially combustible element to the dressing room, particularly given what the Frenchman's salary would be.
Despite Zidane's personal view on Mbappe, he was convinced that his signing was simply not worth it due to the risks involved, both for the squad and himself.
There is great strength in the middle of the park for Real with men like Casemiro, Toni Kroos, Luka Modric, Mateo Kovacic, Isco, Dani Ceballos and Marcos Llorente, while also having Lucas Vazquez and Asensio who are capable of filling in in many different positions.
Chyba nie będize transferu napastnika do Realu, Ronaldo jest przymierzany do gry na 9, ponoć z kkonieczności zgodzi się tam grać gdy będzie trzeba w rozmowie z Zidanem.
jestem na tak , bo Sacheza na siłę nie ma co trzymać. A Sterling robi dużo wiatru na skrzydle i w dodatku jest młody jeszcze.
kim ?? WTF?
Sterling plus kasa za Sancheza jestem za bo wiem ze i takSanchez odejdzie.a Rahim nie jest taki slaby.
Aguero ?to bylby swietny deal. Szkoda ze City go nie sprzeda.
Moglibysmy grac 442 z diamentem w srodku pola
Z 2 sp i jednym ofensywnym i defensywnym.
Laca +Aguero w ataku toz to bylby istny kosmos :D
Jesli Ozil by odszedł wtedy Fekir byłby jak znalazł.
A może by tak Fekira wyciągnąć co wy na to?
To co sprzedamy Oxa i kogo w zamian kupimy, bo w Lemara nie uwierzę.
#Wenger Out!
Sa dwa wyjscia albo ta porazka da nam kopa i wzmocni. Albo ze zaczniemy grac coraz gorzej przez brak pewnosci siebie.
Myslicie ze Wenger kogos sprowadzi w tym okienku jeszcze?
Na twiterze wszyscy kibice Arsenalu zgodnie pisza Wenger out
Chyba ze wtedy Laca obok Sancheza by gral a z przodu Giroud.
W 352
No i kto bedzie gral za niego ?
Bvb w najblizszych dniach ma zlozyc oferte za Ozila szukajac zastepstwa dla Dembele, ktory odszedl do Barcelony podaja niemieckie media.
Proponuje tytul newsa" Wenger out!"
Za niedlugo numer cztery zmieni sie oficjalnie na numer Arsenal...
To juz jest chore..
No nie wierze ta 4 to jakies fatum Arsenalu placz ...
Jakos nie wierze w transfery Arsenalu in. Bardziej wierze ze 3 przynajmniej odejdzie po takiej kompromitacji.
Niech nas kupi jakis miliarder moze on chociaz wywali Wengera i zrobi porzadek ze skladem
Piszemy petycje zeby Wengera zwolnili !
Najgorszy mecz Arsenalu jaki widzialem...
Oby jeszcze jedna strzelili bo zas sie beda nabijac ze 4...
No co za kompromitacja...
Vd - Kos- Mustafi
To powinna byc nasza obrona.
A myslicie ze po podpisaniu kontraktu z klubem Wengera moga teoretycznie go wywalic ?
Cech to tez sabotazysta z chelsea..
Obawiam sie ze to Laca jest zastepstwem za Sancheza ...
Ja wiem ze to dopiero 3 kolejka. Ale no kurde z taka gra to my problemy z wyjsciem grupy LE bedziemy miec ..
Jeszcze na bank odejdzie Sanchez i Ox i bedzie grac Wolcotami i Welbeckami
Sanchez zagral pozegnalny mecz :/
Arsenal zakonczy na 8 miejscu lige bez pozadnego so
Wenger spadaj i przestan niszczyc Arsenal gorzej niz rak !
Lo matko ale nas z kontry zalatwili....
Zmiana ustawienia i wyglada to lepiej
Lepiej bysmy grali bez Wengera na lawce bo gorzej sie nie da..
Kibice powinni Wengera na taczkach wyniesc.
Jesli Wenger nie zrobi transferow to chyba zeatpie ze cokolwiek wygramy w tym sezonie.
To jest dramat. Zarzad zwolnij tego Wengera !

Drużyna | M | W | R | P | Pkt |
1. Liverpool | 29 | 21 | 7 | 1 | 70 |
2. Arsenal | 27 | 15 | 9 | 3 | 54 |
3. Nottingham Forest | 28 | 15 | 6 | 7 | 51 |
4. Manchester City | 28 | 14 | 5 | 9 | 47 |
5. Chelsea | 27 | 13 | 7 | 7 | 46 |
6. Brighton | 28 | 12 | 10 | 6 | 46 |
7. Aston Villa | 29 | 12 | 9 | 8 | 45 |
8. Newcastle | 27 | 13 | 5 | 9 | 44 |
9. Bournemouth | 27 | 12 | 7 | 8 | 43 |
10. Fulham | 28 | 11 | 9 | 8 | 42 |
11. Crystal Palace | 28 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 39 |
12. Brentford | 28 | 11 | 5 | 12 | 38 |
13. Tottenham | 27 | 10 | 3 | 14 | 33 |
14. Everton | 28 | 7 | 12 | 9 | 33 |
15. Manchester United | 27 | 9 | 6 | 12 | 33 |
16. West Ham | 27 | 9 | 6 | 12 | 33 |
17. Wolves | 28 | 6 | 5 | 17 | 23 |
18. Ipswich | 28 | 3 | 8 | 17 | 17 |
19. Leicester | 27 | 4 | 5 | 18 | 17 |
20. Southampton | 28 | 2 | 3 | 23 | 9 |
Zawodnik | Bramki | Asysty |
Mohamed Salah | 25 | 17 |
E. Haaland | 20 | 3 |
A. Isak | 19 | 5 |
C. Wood | 18 | 3 |
B. Mbeumo | 15 | 4 |
C. Palmer | 14 | 6 |
Matheus Cunha | 13 | 4 |
Y. Wissa | 13 | 2 |
O. Watkins | 12 | 6 |
J. Kluivert | 12 | 5 |
A wszystko to przez Havertza...
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co sanchez i kasa za Sterlinga chyba Guardiole poebało.