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Komentowany temat: Tradycja i nowoczesność - stroje wyjazdowe na nowy sezon 12.07.2012, 10:41

huj z koszulkami ponoc Robin sie zdecydowal i opuszcza nas

Komentowany temat: Lloris bliżej Tottenhamu 10.07.2012, 12:19

walic go mamy wojtasa

Manchester City will make a £15m bid for Robin van Persie - if they can sell Emmanuel Adebayor to Tottenham!

cos czuje ze Robin zostanie z nami swiadcza o tym jego ostatnie ruchy czyli skrocenie urlopu na karaibach i powrot wczesniejszy do Londynu w celu ponowienia rozmow i przedluzenia kontraktu podejrzewam ze przez ta nagonke na jego osobe co bedzie jak wroci na Emirates z innym zespolem itd chlopak sie lekko spekal i znami zostanie

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 08.07.2012, 18:10

Niedziela, 08 Lipiec 2012

Wszystko wskazuje na to, że w późne niedzielne popołudnie poznamy nieco więcej szczegółów dotyczących przyszłości Robina van Persiego. Holender przyleciał do Londynu na decydujące rozmowy z władzami Arsenalu.

Kapitan Kanonierów wydał przed kilkoma dniami specjalne oświadczenie, w którym poinformował o tym, że nie przedłuży swojego kontraktu z klubem. Van Persie stwierdził, że jego wizja zespołu nie jest spójna z tym co zaproponowano mu w klubie podczas ostatniego spotkania. Problem w tym, że jeśli wierzyć w stanowisko samego Arsenalu, to do żadnych rozmów na linii klub-zawodnik nie doszło.

Van Persie zakończył już swój urlop na Karaibach i stawił się w Londynie. Kierownictwo Arsenalu zamierza raz jeszcze przekonać go do zmiany zdania i złożenia podpisu pod nową umową. Na mocy bieżących ustaleń, holenderski napastnik będzie grał na The Emirates do czerwca 2013 roku.

Trudno spodziewać się, że wydaniu oświadczenia, van Persie nagle zapragnie pozostać w północnym Londynie. Chętnych do wykupienia go z Arsenalu nie brakuje, a i sam piłkarz wydaje się być zdeterminowany do odejścia.

GG, PilkaNożna.pl
źr. Mirroron Sunday

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 08.07.2012, 18:05

zrodlo onet.pl zapomnialem dodac :)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 08.07.2012, 18:02

Robin van Persie może zostać w Arsenalu

Po tym, jak Robin van Persie nie zgodził się zostać na dłużej w Arsenalu Londyn, rozpoczął się bój o napastnika między zainteresowanymi klubami. Jak się jednak okazuje, nic nie jest jeszcze przesądzone. Piłkarz ma bowiem po raz kolejny rozmawiać o swojej przyszłości na Emirates.

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 23:59

az mi szkoda Robina gdzie sie nie wejdzie to jest chlopak jechany ale coz taki wybral los

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 23:39

ta jak Ramsey bedzie kreatorem gry to ja za Theo na pomoc wskakuje :)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 23:36

ale nawet jak Arteta bedzie zdrowy to zespolu nie pociagnie tu trzeba kogos kreatywnego

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 23:29

zeby tak nasi punktowali jak Kliczko hehe marzenia

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 23:28

a Kliczko znowu niszczy rywala:)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 22:50

hehe Ramsey jeszcze 4 lata bedzie sie u nas kopal w czolo:)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 22:46


2017 (5 years left) :

2016 (4 years left) :

2015 (3 years left) :
Szczęsny, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Djourou, Jenkinson, Santos, Song, Coquelin, Arteta, Diaby, Wilshere, Lansbury, Gervinho, Vela, Miyaichi, Joel Campbell

2014 (2 years left) :
Mannone, Sagna, Koscielny, Gibbs, Denílson, Rosický, Bendtner, Chamakh

2013 (1 year left) :
Squillaci, Frimpong, Walcott, Arshavin, Park, Van Persie

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 22:41

ta w Rangers to mozesz grajkow do Legii poszukac nic pozatym

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 22:38

tak dla informacji

2017 (5 years left) Oxlade-Chamberlain
2016 (4 years left) Ramsey
2015 (3 years left) Szczęsny, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Djourou, Jenkinson, Santos, Song, Coquelin, Arteta, Diaby, Wilshere, Lansbury, Gervinho, Vela, Miyaichi, Campbell
2014 (2 years left) Mannone, Sagna, Koscielny, Gibbs, Denílson, Rosický, Song,Bendtner, Chamakh
2013 (1 year left) Squillaci, Frimpong, Walcott, Arshavin, Park, van Persie

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 19:08

niech daja Ville i fabsa i wtedy niech idzie hehe

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 18:49

sie usmialem czytajac dzisiejsze plotki odnosnie transferow ponoc Arsenal odrzucil propozycje shity warta 25 milionow fuli za Rvp a przyjal farsy na 13 banik plus Villa


Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 18:28

wczoraj juz pisalem ale powtorze
Arsenal The Best na fejsie

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 18:25

co sadzicie o tym Joselu z Realu ???

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 18:12

Dear Robin,

I’m writing to you in response to your statement you released, which was supposedly for the fans. I’d like to express my disappointment at the irresponsible way the statement was released, its tone, and the fact the statement was “for the fans” when in reality it was for you, and you only. This situation could have been handled much better by you, and means you don’t leave Arsenal on good terms.

I understand you are at a point on your career where you have a make a decision, and maybe you thought it was the right time to move. While I am disappointed that you are going, I respect your decision, but what I can’t respect is your statement, a statement which was childish, irresponsible, and has left a bitter taste in everyone involved at Arsenal football club, not least the fans. It is full of so much disrespect and double standards it is laughable.

Where do I start? I don’t know where to begin. Let’s look at the bigger picture shall we? By releasing this statement to the public, your value has plummeted. If potential suitors were in doubt before, they are in no doubt now that you want to leave. This reduces Arsenal’s bargaining power to get the highest price possible. OK so you’ve decided to leave us, fair enough. The least you could do is keep quiet about it so that you can help the club achieve the highest price, and do that much for the club who has remained loyal to you for eight injury plagued years. Apparently you don’t have even that little bit of respect.

Another lack of respect is the fact the club had absolutely no idea you were releasing this statement. Wenger went out to the media the previous day saying how much we needed you and wanted to sign you on. Then, you, did what looked like an irresponsible childish prank and decided to embarrass your boss and release your statement. You also lied in your statement about Ivan Gazidis. He isn’t on holidays as you mentioned, the club denied it. This was just another cheap shot from you making it look like the club isn’t doing their job.

Let’s get into the actual statement then. You speak of “respect” and “loyalty” to the club, and you talk about “huge respect” for Mr Wenger, the players and the fans, but then you straight away rip into the manager and the club for lacking ambition, and tell them you won’t sign a new contract.

OK so let’s get one thing clear. What part of “respect” is ridiculing the club, basically telling the manager he is an idiot, disappointing the fans, and acknowledging that the players who are already at the club are inferior? What part of “not going into details” is telling everyone that the club supposedly lacks ambition (which is the main point anyway)?

Your double standards continue. You say you want to bring the club back “to its glory days”, well then why are you abandoning us?

Given the damage the statement has done as a whole in addition to the above, saying “I love the club and the fans no matter what happens” sounds quite fake.

This statement wasn’t about the fans at all as you tried to claim. This statement wasn’t about Arsenal, this was about you, you, you and nobody else. It was about you trying to force through a transfer, nothing more. We aren’t stupid.

One key thing I noticed is that you didn’t thank the fans or the football club. You made a statement about “always loving us”, but it sounded forced, a sort message on the side to your big message of wanting to leave. There was no thank you. If you really had your heart in the club, the bulk of this statement would have thanked the club, and saying that you had to move on would have been a side statement.

I think the worst part of your statement was the fact that you failed to acknowledge Arsene Wenger at any stage, apart from that contradictory so-called “huge respect” for him. Not a single thank you. Let me tell you a few things mate. In 2004 when you arrived here you were deemed as a loose cannon, a player who was placed on Feyenoord’s transfer list. You weren’t even good enough for them. Nobody believed in you, except Arsene Wenger. You then spent eight years at our wonderful football club. Unfortunately, due to your injury worries, you only played more than half the games in two seasons, 08/09 and 11/12. Who believed in you all these years while you were on the treatment table? Who always talked you up as one of the greatest strikers in the world when the media would criticise you? Who was the first person who defended you when you had an average EURO 2012 campaign? Who never gave up on you? The answer to all those questions is Mr Arsene Wenger. This is a man who’s had offers from Real Madrid, the French national team amongst many others, but turned them down to stay at Arsenal. The man has shown incredible loyalty to this wonderful football club, and also showed you so much loyalty while you were on the treatment table. How do you repay him? Not only do you walk away, you didn’t even say thank you. You ungrateful disgrace.

Look mate, I am frustrated at the lack of trophies, WE ALL ARE. Don’t make this just about you. Everyone at Arsenal wants to win trophies. We are all pissed off. We have signed two quality strikers already this transfer window. Podolski and Giroud are quality, established strikers who performed exceptionally well for their respective teams. They carried their teams in their respective leagues and ensured their teams overachieved. I don’t exactly know what you mean when you say the club lacks ambition. In Podolski and Giroud, we have acquired some of the best talent that is available out there. They would have complemented you very well. I got news for you, there aren’t that many better players out there that are AVAILABLE. Messi, Ronaldo, Rooney and Xavi aren’t for sale mate. In my opinion, these two signings alone (with more to come I’m sure), clearly represent that the club are as ambitious as they can be realistically.

It is true that the competition is as fierce as ever and it will be harder than ever to win titles, as we’ve seen in recent years. It will be tough, no doubt about it, I totally understand that, but for yourself who has said of plenty of occasions that you want the club to return to its “glory days”, and that “you can’t imagine playing for another Premier League club”, doesn’t it make sense that you stay and fulfil this ambition? Doesn’t it make sense that you stay, and give back the loyalty to the club who was so loyal to you all these years? You have your first real great season and you turn your back on us.

But OK, despite everything I’ve said I still respect your decision to want to move to get more chances for winning trophies. I don’t agree with your decision but I understand it. You could have handled it so much better though.

I’m extremely disappointed for your lack of respect for the fans, the club and Arsene Wenger especially. Something as simple as “I’d like to thank Arsenal, Arsene Wenger and the fans, but its time I moved on” would have been just fine, but in your statement you went out your way to disrespect the club, its fans and our manager, making it all about you as you look to force through a transfer. Without Arsenal you are nothing, yet you didn’t even have it in you to say thank you to anybody not least the only man who believed in you, Arsene Wenger. Without Wenger you would have been rotting in the Feyenoord reserves now, or God knows where else. We will always have a Flying Dutchman who wore number 10 that will be an Arsenal legend. His name is Dennis Bergkamp. You are nothing compared to him. I leave you with a famous quote from that great man:

“do you really like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies?”

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 18:06

i jak tu sie z nim nie zgodzic
Eden Hazard: "I was aware of Arsenal's interest in me, but in my career I aim to win several trophies. That isn't possible there."

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 17:59

nie ma co kombinowac trzeba go sprzedac i za te pieniadze sprowadzic kogos konkretnego

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 17:49

trzeba jadzie sciagnac i mamy mistrza:)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 16:15

‎"Przepraszam Państwa, ale zwieracz eliminujacy kasłanie komentatora nie zadziałał" - z transmisji finału ;)

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 16:12

mecz siatkarzy jest na polsacie sport a nie polsacie otwartym

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 16:00

co prawda to prawda ale u nas przy odrobinie szczescia moglo byc i 5-0 pazatym nawet canal + nie chce juz tej ligi pokazywac ze wzgledu na poziom to tez o czyms swiadczy

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 15:55

no niewiem mam nadzieje ze w tegorocznej edycji ligi majstrow sie o tym przekonamy ogolnie liga wloska jest slaba!! z roku na rok coraz gorsza wiec niewiem czym sie sugerujesz ale kazde ma swoje zdanie

Komentowany temat: Oceny Kanonierzy.com: Sezon 2011/12 07.07.2012, 15:49

nierozumiem decyzji Rvp jak wybierze Juventus przeciez nawet jak odejdzie to bez niego wskladzie stara dame pykamy jak chcemy

Komentowany temat: Otwarty list Red and White do zarządu - część druga 06.07.2012, 21:58

dajcie juz na luz z tym kto gdzie przechodzi ,za ile i czy da rade trzeba czekac i tyle

Komentowany temat: Otwarty list Red and White do zarządu - część druga 06.07.2012, 21:30

przy okazji polecam ta strone na fejsie:
Born a Gooner,Live a Gooner and die a Gooner.
jechane jest rowno po naszych kapitanach:)

Komentowany temat: Otwarty list Red and White do zarządu - część druga 06.07.2012, 21:26

znalazlem to na facebooku na stronie Arsenal,The Best

Komentowany temat: Otwarty list Red and White do zarządu - część druga 06.07.2012, 20:52

dobra odpowiedz na oswiadczenie Rvp

Dear RVP,

First, I would like to congratulate you on your remarkable achievement last season, Not only did you finish unscratched, you carted away numerous individual awards, broke several club and EPL records; a feat that will go down in Arsenal history books...

You brought harmony, peace and respect to the squad on and off the pitch. Big man, big responsibility.

You handled it very well, even much more than I expected. *Tilts hat*

As an Arsenal supporter, I have seen many great players and I have to confess, you are a bottomless pit of creativity with "genius" written all over you,

But, on the 4th of July 2012, you dropped the bomb shell that turned Arsenal into turmoil. You released a statement declaring your intention not to ink the papers... Who am I to tell you what to do? But I know one thing for certain, ARSENAL it was, ARSENAL it is and ARSENAL it will be

Many people have criticized us for lacking ambition. That I might not dispute, but we are still the quickest out of the block this season, with the capture of Lukas Podolski and Oliver Giroud + Arteta, Per, Wilshere, Song, Szczesny, Koscielny, Vermaelen et al. I believe that is a step in the right direction, proven all-round strikers to tow a truck-size burden off you.

Despite being one step behind, we still manage to qualify for Europe at the expense of Liverpool, Spurs and Chelsea (only qualified as champions).

You have been at the club for 8years, I can only say I have seen you on the pitch for only two seasons. In these two seasons you were absolute class, scoring spectacular goals. The remaining 6 years were enshrouded with injuries, injuries and more injuries that ultimately earned you the nickname, "The Man of Glass".

During this troubled times, when a section of the fans wanted you out, guess who was there? ARSENE WENGER! If he had sold your sorry a**, you would have been doing an AQUILANI now.

As much as I will love to credit last season to your brilliance, I believe there a certain word called "TEAMWORK". It wasn't just team work, It was Arsenal players playing as a family... The bond and togetherness was so strong, your team mates would have sacrificed (anything) for you.

Rewind ARSENAL vs WIGAN (4-0 at Wigan) Theo Walcott had the chance to be on the score sheet, he chose to delay the ball, and square for you to score.

Everyone wanted you to be successful. I look at Rooney and Nani, I wonder how many times I've seen them have a go at each other. That bond between players is what money cannot buy. They said you made the perfect runs for the likes of Song to pick you out? What happened at the Euros, you needed mobile phones to communicate with Robben and Sneijder??

Now your ambition has grown bigger than that of the club in one brilliant season? Where was the ambition when you were sent packing in Holland, where was it when Arsenal catered for your rehab, where was the ambition when you received cash for years for work undone? Time to reap the faith Arsenal F.C showed in you, your ambition suddenly grew wings?

I really don't blame you, but Wenger. That his persistent trust in players (Flamini, Nasri,Clichy) that turns around and spits on his face.. Hence, any player with two years left on his contract and refuses to sign shall be benched or sold.

Enough of the fu*kery from ingrates. Ginafranco Zola was one of the most talented players the EPL has ever seen, what did he achieve with Chelsea? But his name will forever remain UP there.

Finally I will like to thank you for the good times, the amazing goals (I've lost count), the get-out-of-jail free cards (I've also lost count). I wish you well in your career,all in the best at your next club.

Go win trophies mate. When you eventually leave do me a favour, forget everything Arsenal and please do not talk about us.

Komentowany temat: Oficjalnie: Van Persie nie przedłuży kontraktu! 04.07.2012, 23:08

to jest dobre pytanie

Is RVP doing a Rooney (and I'm not on about hair transplant)???

Komentowany temat: Oficjalnie: Van Persie nie przedłuży kontraktu! 04.07.2012, 22:44

teraz w orange sport mowil prowadzacy ze Arsenal pozyskal juz 3 nowych zawodnikow Podolski ,Giroud i Nene no i ze Rvp odchodzi ko wa skad oni maja takie informacje chyba z twitera

Komentowany temat: Oficjalnie: Van Persie nie przedłuży kontraktu! 04.07.2012, 20:47

Caption !!
I said if he does't want to sign a new contract that means he want to leave and if he want to leave that means he do not want to play with Us

wygramy dzisiaj ! 0.7 sie chlodzi i czeka na zwyciestwo

Komentowany temat: Co słychać u starych znajomych? 28.02.2012, 17:34

dzieki za info:)

Komentowany temat: Co słychać u starych znajomych? 28.02.2012, 17:27

o ktorej jest mecz z Liverpoolem ???na canal+ mecz zapowowiadany jest na 13:45 a na glownej kanonierzy.com podaja 16:00

Komentowany temat: Majstersztyk Kanonierów, Arsenal 7-1 Blackburn 04.02.2012, 18:44

shity strzelaja z karnego ktorego nie bylo sedzia dal ciala

Następny mecz
Ostatni mecz
Leicester - Arsenal 15.02.2025 - godzina 13:30
? : ?
Arsenal - Manchester City 2.02.2025 - godzina 17:30
Tabela ligowa
Tabela strzelcówStrzelcy
1. Liverpool22165153
2. Arsenal23138247
3. Nottingham Forest23135544
4. Manchester City23125641
5. Newcastle23125641
6. Chelsea23117540
7. Bournemouth23117540
8. Aston Villa23107637
9. Brighton23810534
10. Fulham2389633
11. Brentford23941031
12. Manchester United23851029
13. Crystal Palace2369827
14. West Ham23761027
15. Tottenham23731324
16. Everton2258923
17. Leicester23451417
18. Wolves23441516
19. Ipswich23371316
20. Southampton2313196
Mohamed Salah1813
E. Haaland171
A. Isak155
C. Palmer146
C. Wood142
B. Mbeumo133
Y. Wissa112
Matheus Cunha104
O. Watkins104
J. Kluivert103
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